Only In Zurich

A Guide to Unique Locations, Hidden Corners and Unusual Objects

ISBN-13: 978-3-9505392-4-0

Author: Duncan JD Smith

Publisher: The Urban Explorer

Edition: 4 (2023)

Specification: Paperback, 232 pages, 200 colour photos & two fold-out maps, 13.5 x 21cm

Prices: £ 16.95, € 19.90, US$ 22.95, CDN$ 32.95

Proving there is more to Zurich than banking, clean streets and punctuality, this explorer’s guidebook shows a very different side to the Swiss city.

This book has helped me to see Zurich through a fresh lens.

Reader Review



7 Unusual Things to Do in Zurich (Bradt Guides)

Curious Cities – Zurich (Timeless Travels magazine)

Zurich’s Urban Lido Culture (

Author Digs Deep (Timeless Travels magazine)

Zurich’s Moulage Museum (Hidden Europe magazine)